
Dental Crowns | What Is It, How It Works, Types, and Costs

What Are Dental Crowns? 

One common dental restoration that works as a protection and preservation to the damaged tooth is called dental crowns. Dental crowns defend a cracked tooth and eventually restore its functionality with the use of custom-designed materials. Today, dentists offer a variety of treatment options that restore teeth. Before choosing a full-coverage crown, you, as a patient, must first explore and understand the options available for you. 

Dental Crowns

There are factors why dentists would recommend a crown, some of which we will explain below:

Dental Crowns Can Protect Your Cracked Tooth

Crowns may be necessary if your teeth are showing cracks. Not only do dental crowns prevent the spreading of decay, but they also restore the prime aesthetic form of your teeth.

Dental Crowns Stabilize Weak Teeth

A decaying tooth will eventually result in falling out. Fortunately, caps work to stabilize the damaged tooth and prevent the decay from spreading.

Dental Crowns Cover Large Cavities

There are other dental procedures that can obscure cavities. However, some cavities are too much or too large for what these procedures can handle. Crowns can do a better job than simply covering the cavities; they ensure the health of your teeth by preventing the spread of cavities.

Dental Crowns Support Worn Down Teeth

Grinding your teeth will result in worn-down teeth, biting imbalances, and poor aesthetics. Dental crowns are best for recovering worn-down teeth, enhancing their functionality and appearance.

Dental Crowns Protect Dental Bridges

Your dentist may advise a dental bridge as a means to dental restoration. Dental bridges, from the name itself, work as a connection to adjacent teeth. In a few cases, your dentists will suggest a dental crown prior to installing the dental bridge since crowns can hold the bridge better in place.

Dental Crowns Strengthen Teeth After Root Canals

It may not be necessary, but in a few cases, your dentist might recommend dental crowns after a root canal procedure to strengthen the teeth.

What Are The Types of Dental Crowns? 


The most popular type of dental crown is porcelain. Porcelain crowns can blend in with the look of your natural teeth and so are recommended on teeth of different kinds. Porcelain crowns may last between 5-15 years, but they can break easily compared to other types of dental crowns. 


Ceramic crowns are known for their strength and durability, but aside from these two factors, ceramic crowns provide a number of other benefits. By reducing the need for a metal core, an all-ceramic crown can reduce the thickness of the material. As a result, ceramic crowns can be a favorable option in areas of the teeth with limited space. Furthermore, getting rid of the metal core also provides better aesthetic factors.


Porcelain-fused-to-metal or also called PFM, is another type of dental crown your dentist may recommend to you. The visible part of this crown is made out of porcelain; the core portion is made of metal. PFM is a combination of strength and aesthetics; however, they don’t look as realistic compared to porcelain crowns.  


Another type of dental crown that offers strength and durability is the gold crowns. Gold crowns aren’t made out of gold but nickel, copper, and other metals. A gold crown can last for up to 50 years.

Choosing Dental Crowns 

Below are factors that will help you and your dentist decide on which material is best for your crown:

  • Position of gum tissue
  • Color of the surrounding teeth
  • Tooth problems
  • Tooth location

The Dental Crown Procedure – How it Works

In the dental crown procedure, your dentist will first prepare the teeth and create an impression to send it to a dental lab. To temporarily protect your tooth before the final restoration, you have to use a fitted, temporary crown. Once ready, your dentist will cement or adhesive bond the crown.

Recovery and Aftercare

After the restoration of your permanent crown, your dentist will provide the information you need for recovery and aftercare. The information will include maintaining oral hygiene, dental floss, or the use of interdental cleaners. Patients must perform the aftercare procedures to remove the plague where the crown meets the gum and prevent decay or any gum diseases.

Also, it is important to avoid chewing hard to prevent the crown from damaging. If you have the habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping, your dentist may suggest wearing a mouth guard for nighttime protection.

Prolonging the Life of Your Dental Crown

The longevity of the crown will vary from the precision of its fit to your underlying tooth. Your dentist will ensure that supporting tissues are in the best condition by evaluating both the gums and bone structure. An ill-fitted crown may cause more bacteria that may build into more tooth decay. Oral hygiene can play a crucial role in a crown’s longevity – it protects the tooth and reduces the chances for gum recession.

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost at McAllen, TX?

The cost will depend on factors such as the location, training, expertise of your dentist and other technical demands. Dental crowns may range from $1,000 to $3,500. However, the price may also vary upon aesthetic considerations. You can request your dentist for clinical photographs of dental crown treatment to help you visualize the process and the outcome.

Iman Dental Center | McAllen, TX

Dental experts consider dental crowns to be the “single most productive dental procedure.” A study showed that in 2016, there were over 12,000 dental practices done around 1.95 million crowns; without a doubt, dental crowns are one of the most recommended and popular procedures. In summary, dental crowns can support the teeth while enhancing their shape, functionality, and appearance.

Everything that you need to acknowledge about dental crowns is here at Iman Dental Center. We have served countless patients, helping them attain better teeth functionality and aesthetics. Contact us today to schedule an appointment – we will help you determine the treatment that you need.